Experimental Research

Cindy Cattell - Headshot

My group investigates many processes including conversion of magnetic energy to particle energy (reconnection); acceleration of charged particles;  Interaction of charged particles and waves; and generation of radio waves in a variety of contexts, including the solar wind, interplanetary shocks,  aurora, magnetospheres, and radiation belts.

The Parker Solar Probe going towards the sun


The most recent spacecraft is the Parker Solar Probe: already closer to the Sun and faster than any human-made object in the universe.
Why is the corona so much hotter than the photosphere? The surface is 6000 K; corona is > 106 K
What accelerates the solar wind to supersonic speeds?


Most of my research uses in situ measurements of electric and magnetic fields, radio waves, and particles. We also do plasma simulations and some lab experiments.

Picture showing electric and magnetic fields around the earth
A person standing in front of the Large Plasma Device (LAPD)
Large Plasma Device (LAPD) at UCLA